Saturday, March 08, 2008

Ranting on about the Screwed up In-Laws

I know I have not been here in a LONG LONG time. But today I decided that blogging might, just might mind you be good therapy. So here it goes.

My husband's parents bases your worth on how many kids you can pop out. They make this big claim about being all about family but honestly they do not give a rats ass about their son and I because we do not have kids. His step mother likes to think she is the monarch of the family. Though I highly doubt she has any idea of what a "monarch" is.

Things all went to hell when we offered to help his little sister out while she was over seas and I think it was a brave thing for her to do, go to war. We took care of her daughter from 6 months up to 27 months. 5 of those months we never asked for a penny of support from her. Later on we did and she didn't like it. But to make a long story short.

We talked about a transition plan for everyone, but when she got back there was no doing a transition at all. She was back 7 days and took her child with out any concern for what she was doing to her. Never asked for her cloths, toys, what food she liked etc. " She gave birth so she didn't need me to tell her what her daughter needed'. You may ask her child right? Well yes no one ever said she wasn't. But she'd bring the child over and the little girl would scream and scream and her mother didn't seem to care. The mother sits in our living room and says to me the only problem with her little girl is she needs to get YOU out of her system. What a slap in the face! She even told her brother. ( my husband) that she was jealous of me, I was a better mom, well no shit retard you didn't take care of your first kid. Little sister and Step mommy dearest believe that if you didn't give birth your not a mom. I have met some selfish bitches in my life but these two take the cake.
So bad words start flying mostly via email. Then little sister cries to mom, who calls up my husband and starts ripping him out, accusing us of all kinds of shit with out bothering to ask whats going on. Good going step mommy dearest.

So we are made to fell like bad guys because we fell in love with a sweet little baby girl and wanted what is best for her. SHAME ON US!! HOW DARE WE!!

What is most funny about all this is Step mommy dearest wanted us to stay in contact with little sis because she had concerns for the children's well being. How fucked up is that??

My husband finally gave the "law" down to step mommy dearest on how she made him feel and that if they ( his parents) wanted a relationship with us they had to work to on it, because we have been so deeply hurt. She opologized of course but never made an effort to contact us after Christmas. and we haven't heard from them since.
On a positive note we still had a great Christmas we spent it with friends who treat us more like family then his real family ever could.

I feel sorry for them, Baby girls not going to be a little girl forever and when she grows up she going to want to know. I for one not going to lie to her.

Step mommy dearest well what to say about you, ah your a step mom so after all your not a real mom anyways.