Sunday, April 14, 2002

Sleepyhead Screw-up

Ya know, telling someone you'll meet them at 8 and then showing up at 8:40 and wondering why they are mad is pretty dumb. I made two dumb mistakes. 1. Staying up later than normal watching TV. I usually go to bed at 10 not 11, sometimes earlier. Mistake number 2: I didn't reset my alarm when it went off at 6:50.

I woke up and thought I'd doze like I did yesterday and be able to get up in time. Should have known better than to rely on a half awake brain.

Now I am in trouble and rightly so. What sucks the most is that we just spent the last few days going over this. Over my responsibilities and how my actions effect her and others. And now my over sleeping has made her mad and damaged the already fragile trust we built yesterday.

I dont know how long she can put up with my crap. When will I see how much my actions effect everyone around me? That's the million dollar question.

I feel confident we can mend things again, but it's still frustrating for both of us, no doubt.


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