Monday, April 15, 2002

A special woman and flowers

How did I get so lucky as to fall in love with a woman so sweet? Our love is so perfect and innocent. It's timeless. We could be Vikings in a Nortic village or simple plains indians. The fact we live in a modern world means nothing. It does not effect how we love each other. Sure we use technology to help us communicate but that doesn't change the fact we share ourselves so selflessly.

I'm excited Cashew has found this new "play". Actually it makes me really happy. I'm not entirely certain of the full ramifications of this, but I'm sure they'll become more clear as time goes on. I'm just happy she is so happy. I'm a little worried that she'll get TOO excited and push herself, but she's gotten a lot better about not doing that so Im not real worried. :)

Well I was SUPPOSED to go grocery shopping tonight. Uhhhh...well....ummm... I bought plants instead. I know, kinda sounds gay, but I've been wanting to try my hand at flowers and I have a small deck, so I can have them. So I got some. Here are a few pictures. Enjoy...


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